Hanamikoji: Geisha's Road KS Late Pledge Closes on May 31!
Update on June 11:
As per our KS Update #27, we have postponed the closure of PM. We will contact the backers who haven't completed their PM and close the PM around mid-June. The postponement won't affect the production and fulfillment progress.
Hanamikoji: Geisha's Road
Kickstarter Late Pledge Closes on May 31!
Pre-order your copy at the best price now!
We are pleased to let you know that the Late Pledge (Pre-Order) of Hanamikoji: Geisha's Road is open to all regions! If you are late for the Kickstarter campaign, it's your last chance to get all the stretch goals at the best prices NOW!
We're in the final stage of submitting the print files to the manufacturer, and the production should be done by mid-June. We will begin the fulfillment as soon as they are ready.
For North American backers, the games will be sent to our fulfillment partner by ocean freight. We expect the fulfillment of each backer will begin around August. However, for smaller packages to the US (Tiers lighter than "Everything Hanamikoji"), they will be shipped by air directly from Taiwan as we explained the logistics situation in KS Update #21 (Link).
For European backers, the games will be sent to our fulfillment partner in Germany by ocean freight. We expect the fulfillment of each backer will begin around July. This will be an EU-friendly fulfillment, which means you don't have to handle the customs yourself because we will pre-pay all the customs fees and VATs for you when we send the pallets to our fulfillment partner.
Special cases in Europe are Norway and Switzerland because they are not included or are too expensive in our fulfillment partner's service, respectively. We will ship your games by airmail directly from Taiwan. You may read more in KS Update #24 (Link).
For backers in the other regions (Asia, Oceania, Africa, etc), the games will be sent to you by airmail directly from Taiwan as soon as they are ready. So you may expect to receive the games in June unless we encounter any unexpected incidents that cause the delay in the production or shipment of the games.
EmperorS4 Games has poured their heart and soul to make Hanamikoji: Geisha's Raod and the new Hanamikoji the best version you can imagine. You may read more about the improvements in the graphic design in KS Update #23 (Link).
The designer duo Jerry Chiang and Eros Lin have also made huge effects to polish the game as well as the unlocked modules to their best. You are encouraged to read the designer diary on BoardGameGeek (Link) and leave some feedback to Jerry. He will be happy to share his thoughts on his design journey along the way toward today. :)
Don't forget to pre-order your copy NOW!