Centuries after the legendary "Three Little Pigs," the Swine family has learned a precious lesson and become the greatest landlord in the world. The Wolf family, however, becomes the builders and works for the Big Bad Pig (BBP)!
In Three Little Wolves, you will build houses by playing cards of ascending numbers. The taller you build, the better chance you have to score points because the BBP will punish the lazy wolf and demolish the shortest house of each color. But don't just bury your head in the skyscraper competition. Instead, you should pay careful attention to your opponent's progress and sneak your three little wolves into their looking-promising houses for big points!
You can play The Three Little Wolves on Tabletopia for free. Click the image below to play!
Smoox Pig:
Starting from the active player (who drew the card), everyone immediately plays one card without refilling their hand.
For the remainder of the game, all players have only 4 cards in hand.
(You will have only 2 cards left in hand at the end of the game.)
Poki Pig:
Starting from the active player (who drew the card), everyone immediately draws one card to their hand.
For the remainder of the game, all players have 6 cards in hand.
(But you will have 4 cards left in hand at the end of the game.)
Designer: Poki Chen, Smoox Chen
Artist: Smoox Chen, Poki Chen
Publisher: Poki Design, Taiwan Boardgame Design
Players: 2-4
Time: 15-20 Min
Age: 8+
BoardGameGeek (Link)
Tabletopia (Link)
Floor cards x56
Big Bad Pig cards x3
Wolf tokens x12 (3 per player)
Big Bad Pig tokens x3
Tallest House tokens x3
Mustache token x1
Promo cards x2 (Smoox Pig & Poki Pig)
English (Link)
Japanese (Link)
Chinese (Link)