Vegetable Stock

Grow the vegetables, manipulate the market, and make a fortune in the Vegetable Stock! But beware, the market crash might be just around the corner!
GG Studio 2-6 players | 15 min | Age 8+

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Game Overview


Grow the vegetables, manipulate the market, and make a fortune in the Vegetable Stock!

In Vegetable Stock, each round you will draft cards from the center of the table until there is only one card left, which will increase the market price of the non-chosen vegetables. The value of the vegetables in your hand will increase gradually, but beware, the market crash might be just right around the corner!







Zong-Ger, a programmer and prolific boardgame designer in Taiwan.


Game Basics


Designer: Zong-Ger

Artist: Poki Chen

Publisher: Good Game Studio


Players: 2-6

Time: 15 Min

Age: 8+


BoardGameGeek (Link)



Market cards x5

Price cards x5 (double-sided)

Vegetable cards x47

Rule cards x3 (English, Chinese)

Promo cards x2 (Sun, Typhoon)

*Card size: 57x87 mm


Vegetable Stock won BEST FAMILY GAME at the Asian Boardgame Festival Thailand.





English (Link)

Japanese (Link)

Chinese (Link)

French (Link) (Translated by BGG user gingrasc)

Score Sheet (Link)

Tutorial by Tom Harrod at Bury Board Games on Instagram (Link)





Best Filler Game from Asia 2022 (Click HERE to view on Youtube)



Review by Dale Yu at Opinionated Gamers (Link) (First Edition)


Review by Jonathan Schindler on BGG (Link)


Review by Board Game Happy on BGG (Link)



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