The notorious Big Bad Pig and his pirate crew, the Three Little Wolves, stumbled upon a massive treasure chest on a deserted island. When celebrating at the Whisker's Bar, Big Bad Pig grabs a handful of gemstones and drops them into a mug, saying, “Whoever can guess how many gemstones I threw in gets them!” Thus begins an adventure of treasure-seeking and rivalry over the coveted mug!
You and your fellow pirates will secretly toss Treasure into the mug. Who can guess the total value correctly or catch others claiming an exceeding value will be able to split the roots! Watch closely and listen to the “clanks!” carefully, you might become the pirate hoarding the most treasure!
Designer: Poki Chen
Artist: Poki Chen
Publisher: Poki Design
Players: 2-4
Time: 15 Min
Age: 8+
BoardGameGeek (Link)
Marbles x10
Gems x10
Wooden coins x10
Fur balls x10
Metal fake coins x10
Cloth bag x1
Mug x1
Coaster x1
Rulesheets x2 (EN/CH)