For generations, Tarots faithfully fulfilled their duties, guiding all living things. At some unknown moment, a mysterious purple force emerged from the chaos, disrupting the long-standing balance, and breaking the shackles that restrained the Tarots. As a result, Tarots were contaminated and influenced, and the world began to descend into chaos...
As the creator of Tarots, the "Oracle" at this moment has summoned you to be his messenger. You will temporarily gain the ability to summon other Tarots, seeking to uncover the contaminated Tarot's true identity. Lift the Sword of Tarot, defeat and purify them, and restore balance to the world once again!
Players will embody the role of a hidden identity Tarot messenger, taking turns utilizing the abilities of Tarot cards. Following the current known clues, players engage in deduction and speculation, assisting the Oracle in identifying the contaminated Tarot gods and purifying them (guessing their Identity Numbers).
Designer: Zong-Ger
Artist: TaroTaro
Publisher: Maddish Island
Players: 2-4
Time: 15 Min
Age: 10+
BoardGameGeek (Link)